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Angular, Copilot, and so many fonts

A new Angular release, GitHub goes all in on Copilot, and fonts are coming out of my ears.

There’s been a lot going on lately. Lots of announcements, from GitHub to Angular to Vercel, it’s been busy. Of course, this week has .NET Conf with the release of .NET 8 & C# 12. So, you can imagine where some of the drops this week came from.

On a related note, have you noticed this trend of tech companies creating fonts? What a weird trend. That said, I’m totally checking them all out to pick my favorite. 😁

See you next week! Michael

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I’m thankful for my Shure SM7B. Every meeting turns into a chance to use my NPR voice.

Mary Jo

I’m thankful for all the support I can lean on, be it my family, my friends or mental health professionals.


Thankful for no-meeting Thursdays!


Thankful for 3-day weeks. If only it was every week!
