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Updating Notion Cover Images with Pipedream and JavaScript

Using JavaScript and Pipedream to automate changing my Notion cover image each night.

Okay. I admit it. I have commitment issues. Well, at least when it comes to cover images on my Notion dashboards. I’ve tried to pick images that are aesthetically appealing, but I tend to get bored looking at the same thing day after day.

permalinkA Cry for Help

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m just starting my journey with Notion. I’ve dabbled with it multiple times but it always seemed like just another “note-taking” app. Then I started seeing posts on Twitter from folks like Kurt Kemple. It was clear that I was missing something. Every tweet or blog post I read made me realize I was fundamentally misunderstanding what Notion is. So I put out a cry for help on Twitter.

Image of tweet I sent asking for Notion help

Luckily, Kurt came to my rescue and spent more than an hour showing me how he uses Notion to power his personal and professional life. To say it was eye-opening would be an understatement. Weeks later, I’m still remembering things he showed me and implementing them myself.

On top of all those databases and pages is a dashboard that I run my day from, but I wanted a cool image across the top of the page. After realizing I’d never find just the “right” picture, I remembered some of the things Kurt taught me, like modifying things in Notion using JavaScript and Pipedream.

Now that you know the why, let’s get to the how-to.

permalinkWhat You’ll Need

It could probably go without saying, but you’ll need Notion and Pipedream accounts. Once you’ve got those, you’ll need a page that you want to change. Of course, you could do this for multiple pages, but for brevity, this tutorial will show you how to do one.

permalinkGather Notion Info

Now that you’ve got a Notion account and have decided on a page to update, we’ll need to get the id of that page. If you’re looking at the page in a browser, you can get the id from the URL. If you’re using the Notion app, you can right-click on the page in the menu on the right and choose “Copy link”. Then paste the link to see it.

Browser address bar showing a Notion Url

In the URL, you want the alphanumeric string after your Notion workspace name. Sometimes the URL has the page name pre-pended to the id. That’s the case in the image below (Hello-World-5b1db5ba47e64a6b958c4a8a71f5677b). You’ll want to ignore the page name and dashes in the URL. Removing that leaves the actual id of the page (5b1db5ba47e64a6b958c4a8a71f5677b).

Browser address bar showing a Notion Url

Now that we have the Notion page id, we can move forward with setting up Pipedream.

permalinkConnect your Notion and Pipedream Accounts

To access our Notion workspace from Pipedream, we need to connect our accounts. In Pipedream, click on the “Accounts” menu option on the left. This will take you to the Connected Accounts page, where you can click on the “Connect an App” button on the far right. You will then see the “Select an App” modal window. Now, type “Notion” in the “Search for an app…” input and select Notion in the results.

Pipedream Select an App window

You’ll be asked to authenticate with Notion and allowed to choose which pages Pipedream has access to. Be sure to allow access to the page you want to update.

permalinkCreating the Pipedream Workflow

Now that Pipedream has access to our Notion account, we can create a workflow to make changes there. Click on the “Workflows” menu option in the left sidebar. Once the “Workflows” page has loaded, click the “New +” button on the far right.

permalinkCreating a Workflow Trigger

All Pipedream workflows start with a trigger. I chose to update my cover image every day, so I chose the “Schedule” trigger. Pipedream has a nice process for taking you through selecting what recurrence and schedule you want for the trigger. In my case, I have it run at midnight in my timezone every night.

Pipedream workflow trigger

permalinkUpdating Your Notion Page

With a trigger in place, let’s add a step to update our cover image. Clicking the plus sign under your trigger allows you to add a step to your workflow. There are a LOT of integrations, but you should search for “notion” and click on the Notion option. Then you’ll be presented with multiple options for integration. You’ll be calling the Notion API with JavaScript so select the “Use any Notion API” option.

Pipedream add step interface

This will open the step editor. You’ll want to select your Notion account in the “Select a Notion account…” drop down. Then it’s time for the code. Pipedream adds some code here that retrieves your Notion user record as an example, but we’ll completely remove that.

Then add the following code to the “Code” box. Be sure to update the YOUR_NOTION_PAGE_ID string with the Notion page id you identified above.

module.exports = defineComponent({
props: {
notion: {
type: 'app',
app: 'notion',
async run({ steps, $ }) {
try {
const pageId = 'YOUR_NOTION_PAGE_ID';
const data = {
cover: {
type: 'external',
external: {
url: `${}`,
await require('@pipedreamhq/platform').axios(this, {
url: `${pageId}`,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.notion.$auth.oauth_access_token}`,
'Notion-Version': `2021-08-16`,
method: 'PATCH',
} catch (error) {
throw error;

The code above updates the page to use an external url. That external url is a randomly generated image served by with the appropriate dimensions for a Notion cover image. Each night your workflow will update the URL to a new image generated by picsum.

permalinkTurn it on

Now that we have a trigger and a step to run, all that’s left to do is press the “Deploy” button at the top right of the page. This will activate your workflow and schedule it to run whenever you specified. You can also click on the workflow and press the “Run Now” button to trigger it manually at any time.

Updating the cover image is pretty basic, but the principles learned can be used to really extend what you’re doing in Notion. In future blog posts, I’ll cover how I use Pipedream with Notion to create daily journals, follow up with old colleagues and friends, and manage ideas for YouTube, Twitch, and blog ideas.